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Experiences of Construction of New Countryside in Chunhua Town

Date: 2019/02/26   Author:   Hits:

In order to enrich the extracurricular life of international students in HUNAU, the university provided them an opportunity to understand current pictures and achievements of China’s new rural construction. At the invitation of the Government of Chunhua Town, Changsha County, on March 11, 2016, international students of HUNAU visited Dongtian Village, Chunhua Town, led by the director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office, Mr. Rao Liqun,

It coincided with the opening of the first Cole Flower Tourism Festival in Dongtian Village. The Cole flower blossomed to the public, these international students swimming in the ocean of flowers attracted countless eyes and lenses. In addition to the flower viewing, Dongtian Village also organized them to watch acrobatics performances and local farmers’ self-directed and performed dances, which enabled these international students to get a close understanding of the local customs and achievements of the new rural construction.

During the visit to Dongtian Village, the international students of HUNAU were also interviewed by the Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter. The visit of the international students was reported on the Xiaoxiang Morning News and its official website

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